I came back to ye olde static site generator after three years and I think everything is still working. Not only that, the contraption I set up to post from my iPad still works too. It’s a miracle. At least until I have to update go.mod or whatever. Or I realize that my VPC got backdoored and has secretly been mining crypto without my knowledge.

Anyway, Hugo is fine I guess. I chose it because I wanted to publish Jupyter notebooks but then I proceeded to post about running JupyterHub in an NVIDIA container and restarting a computer into a different OS using grub and some other things that are utterly useless now, 4-5 years later, but resulted in some inbound requests to write for other people’s blogs? No Jupyter notebooks though.

Also there were the yearly summaries. I love doing those, but I sort of preconditioned doing them on the completion of publishing daily photos for that year, and I am now three years behind on that.

Wha happen? Well, from some time in 2018 until earlier this year, I had two simultaneous jobs. Also there were small things like the pandemic, the Cameron Peak fire, family health issues, I got a new day job, and some other events. Most of whatever time was left went into Job #2, where I built on top of this cool neural network audio quality predictor thingy and documented it in what I really hope will be published as a journal article soon.

While all that was happening, I watched people prepare themselves to fly in space, build actual rockets from scratch, build an entire video streaming platform, power their tesla using turbine engines (??), and all kinds of other fascinating, fun, and weird things1. It made me think about all the things I’ve wanted build, write, and make. I wanna do fascinating, fun, and weird things too! And I guess I want people to know about it, which is weird, but you know.

So here I am again.

Please like and subscribe and tell me what weird thing I should build in the comments below.

  1. Did you know there’s an entire cottage industry of people who make videos to sell home office products?? And a lawyer who only posts videos about lock picking? [return]